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SCHOOL HOURSThe school main office hours are 7:30 am until 4:00 pm. The Middle School office hours are 8:00 am until 4:30 pm. Campus supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. Students should not arrive on the school grounds prior to 7:45 a.m. and are expected to return to their homes immediately upon dismissal.
PROCEDURES FOR STUDENT ITEMS 1. Please make sure your child’s name, teacher, Room# is on the item. 2. The office will then leave a “voice mail” for that teacher. 3. The teacher has been asked to check their “voice mails”, regularly i.e. before leaving for lunch and before dismissal.
1. ALL lunches need to be dropped off in the office by 11:30 AM 2. Please make sure your child’s name, teacher, room # is on the lunch and/or lunchbox. 3. The lunches will be placed in a “Lunch Box” and delivered to the cafeteria for Grades 1 – 5, by a Campus Supervisor & Grades 6 –8, by a Campus Supervisor. 4. Teachers/Homeroom Teachers will remind their students to check at the Cafeteria (K-5) OR the Lunch Trailer (6 & 8) for their lunches. This way if the student’s lunch was not delivered to the front office, the student can purchase/borrow a lunch from the Cafeteria OR Lunch Trailer.
LUNCH PROGRAMStudents in the K-5 program can purchase lunch at school for $2.00. A five-meal credit can be purchased for $10.00 or 20-meal credits for $37.00. (Checks payable to: CVUSD w/ Student’s Name and Rm. #) For those who bring lunch from home, milk, chocolate milk, powerade juices, assortment of water is available for .50 - $1.00. On Fridays ice cream will be available for .50 cents. When lunches are forgotten or late, parents may bring a lunch to the SCS main office. Please be sure to write the student’s name and room number on the lunch. Students who are tardy need to bring a lunch from home because the lunch count is done 1st thing in the morning in the classroom. Parents are invited to purchase and enjoy lunch with their child on any day. PLEASE let your child’s teacher know, so that your lunch is in the final lunch count. As of February 1, 2003, Child Nutrition will only accept checks for payment to the meal program that are $25.00 or higher, due to the increased volume of returned checks to Child Nutrition.
PEANUT FREE TABLE Several Sycamore students are severely allergic to peanuts and peanut products. In order to provide a safe environment for them, one lunch table is designated with a sign indicating “peanut free zone”. Any student may choose to sit at this table, however, peanut products (such as peanut better sandwiches or cookies, as well as any food containing a peanut product such as peanut oil) are not allowed. Your cooperation is appreciated.
ATTENDANCEIt is extremely important for your child to attend school daily and be on time in order to take full advantage of the educational program. If your child is going to be absent from school, we ask that you call the main school office to verify the absence at 498-0324 by 10:00 a.m. You can call before or after school hours and leave a message. Please state your name, student’s name, room number and reason for absence. If you do not call, please send a note with your child when he/she returns to school with the above information. Attendance awards are given to those students who are here daily and have less than three tardies.
The State of California and Board of Education approved reasons for absences are: 1. Illness or injury; 2. A quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer; 3. A medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic appointment that can only be scheduled during school hours; 4. Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family.
We request that vacations be arranged on days when school is not in session so that students do not miss valuable, instructional time. Independent Study (available for K-5 only) can be completed when a student will be out “5” or more days!
Prolonged absences or illness may require home teaching. Contact the Sycamore Canyon School main office for more information.
MIDDLE SCHOOL VACATIONS Vacations are NOT excused absences. If Administrative approval is given at least two weeks prior, teachers may be able to provide an alternative assignment. Otherwise, students are given “one” day to make-up missed assignments for “everyday out” of school.
Students are encouraged to make every effort to be on time. Students who enter the classroom late disrupt the learning environment for others as well as themselves. Only tardiness due to illness or doctor or dental appointments is excused. Late students must report to the office to obtain admittance to class. EMERGENCY INFORMATIONAll students will receive four emergency cards during the first week of school. Please complete and return the cards as soon as possible. These cards allow us to contact you in the event your child becomes ill during the school day. Please include names and phone numbers of adults who can be contacted if we are unable to reach you. You will also be receiving information regarding our Disaster Preparedness Plan. Comfort kits can be purchased through SCS. Once again, please complete and return as soon as possible. We want to ensure student safety and comfort in the event of an emergency/disaster. RELEASE OF STUDENTS DURING SCHOOL HOURSThere may be emergencies during the year when it is necessary for parents to take their children from school for part of the day. When such an emergency arises, follow these procedures:
1. The parent or authorized adult must go to the SCS office and indicate the name of the child, the room or teacher, and the reason for the student being taken from school. An authorized adult must sign out each child so there is a record of his/her leaving school.
2. The Office Manager will make arrangements for releasing a pupil from his/her instructional area. Children cannot be picked up directly from the classroom, nor can the child wait outside the class area for the parent to pick up a child at a pre-arranged time, nor can a child walk home to meet the parent. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CHILDREN BE RELEASED TO INDIVIDUALS NOT LISTED ON THE EMERGENCY CARD. If your children remain in school while you are on vacation, business trip, etc., please inform the office in writing about individuals responsible for care.
HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Medication: SCS school staff are prohibited from providing or administering any medication, including aspirin and vitamins to a student, unless the school receives an Administration of Prescribed Medication Form, which contains:
1. Authorization from physician detailing the type of medication, amount, and time schedules by which such medication is to be taken; and, 2. Authorization from the parent or guardian of the pupil indicating the desire that the school district assist the pupil in the matters set forth in the physician’s statement.
INJURIES AT SCHOOLDue care is always exercised to prevent accidents. If a student becomes ill or an accident occurs at school, the student should report to the teacher or campus supervisor who will refer him/her to the health office. If the injury is of a serious nature, the parent will be notified immediately. If the parent cannot be contacted, the school will make the decision as to the treatment. Please understand that the school is responsible for first aid only. Sycamore Canyon School is fortunate to have a 7 hour Health Clerk that is trained in first aid and CPR.
Students coming to school wearing casts, orthopedic braces or using crutches, must have a note from their doctor specifying that they may return to school and must list any restrictions. School policy is that students are to report to the “specified table” during recess and after they’ve eaten lunch. Until removal of the cast, brace, etc., and a medical release, students will not be permitted to participate in playground activities to avoid re-injury to themselves and others. Parent MUST sign waiver before re-entry to school. BICYCLES CELL PHONES Parents that are volunteering to be on campus MUST keep their cell phones on vibrate so not to disturb the classroom. Please help keep the children of Sycamore Canyon School
2. DEL PRADO LOOP is to be used for DROP OFF by car and pick up by car of 1st – 3. There is NO DOUBLE PARKING ALLOWED. 4. Parents wishing to conference with teachers are invited to PARK in the empty parking 5. Students that walk home or ride bikes use the GATE by child care on the Via Rio 6. Please see MAP on reverse for TRAFFIC GUIDELINES created by the City, Conejo
The City has now made parking available on Via Rio on the side next to the school. Once again, it will be important for parents to remind their children to use the sidewalks – NOT cut through the parking lot to meet you at your car on Via Rio or Mirabella.Your help in following these procedures is very much appreciated and will accommodate good traffic flow and ensure the safety of the children.
Reminder: Please be prompt when picking up your child after school. COMMUNICATIONSPlease check out our website for the monthly calendar for the entire school year. Holidays, staff development dates and schoolwide events will be listed. On the first Wednesday of each month you will receive the School Newsletter along with any important flyers. The following Wednesdays you will receive a Parent Bulletin and a packet containing school, district, and/or community information.
Your child’s teacher will be sending home a classroom letter explaining classroom standards, the homework policy, and curriculum information. At Back-to-School Night, more information regarding the curriculum and instructional strategies will be presented. Progress reports are sent out at midpoint, and a report card at the end of the trimester. Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled in October for grades K-5. (Selected 6-8 grade students will be notified for Parent-Teacher conferences.)
Parent/School communication is essential to your child’s success. Please read all information carefully, and call if you have any questions or concerns. Remember: ALL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE OFFICE WILL BE SENT HOME ON WEDNESDAYS. We hope by sending all information home on Wednesdays, will make lines of communication easier for all! K-5 students receive report cards on a trimester schedule. The first trimester ends the beginning of December, the second ends the middle of March, and the third ends on the last day of school.
Middle School Grades 6-8 students receive report cards on a trimester schedule too.
The parent or teacher can initiate conferences as needed. Please call the school office for an appointment when you wish to arrange a parent/teacher conference. Ongoing communication between parent and teacher will make it a more productive year for your child. STUDENT DRESS CODESafety is the first and foremost consideration for any school. Schools in Conejo Valley Unified School District have established consistent dress codes for students. SCS has a high standard of dress. Students should dress in a manner that demonstrates pride in oneself and is not distracting to the educational process.
“GANG RELATED” clothing is banned from the campus. Baggy, oversized clothing, or too tight/provocative clothing is not appropriate for school. Any clothing that is deemed unsafe to wear and interferes with the instructional program cannot be worn. Pants that slide down below the waistline and expose the undergarments or hang below the shoes are considered too baggy. Shirts that expose the midriff (non-navel showing) are considered too provocative. Tank tops with 2 inch straps ONLY are allowed for both boys and girls. Any straps measuring less than 2 inches ARE NOT allowed. Clothing that advertises alcoholic beverages, contains bad language, or other inappropriate slogans/pictures are also not allowed. Baseball caps can be worn to school, but we reserve the right to take a cap/hat away from any student if it disrupts the educational process. Also, black L.A. Raiders’ jackets and shirts are not allowed. Make-up, tattoos, dangerous jewelry, wallet chains, spikes, studs, safety pins, clothespins, and dyed hair are not permitted. Finally, shoes must be closed-toed with a backstrap, and be appropriate for students to participate in normal P.E. activities and recess. Heelys are not permitted on the Sycamore Canyon School campus. Middle School students may wear open-toed shoes with back straps (ALL shoes must have back straps) In the child’s early years, we need to take an active role assisting our children in making smart choices. The standards were set up to ensure safety, a positive self-image, and a quality education. Thank you for supporting these standards.
1. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. 2. Please stay on your assigned play yard. Stay out of the corridors and get a pass to visit the nurse or office. 3. Use the bathroom and return to the play yard. Don’t play in the bathrooms. 4. Running is done on the grass. Walk in the hallways, on the blacktop and concrete. 5. Stop playing when the bell rings, and take all playground equipment back to your classroom. 6. Please throw your litter in the trash can. 7. If your ball goes over the fence or into the parking lot or street, ASK A CAMPUS SUPERVISOR FOR HELP. 8. All games are open. Share, be cooperative and compromise! 9. Students are to keep their own personal “toys” home i.e. trading cards, basketballs, footballs, soccerballs, baseballs, action figures. There is NO trading or selling of items between students on campus. 10. NEVER throw anything dangerous (i.e., rocks, sticks, sand, dirt, etc.) 11. When waiting in line, and at all other times, remember to keep your hands/feet to yourself. 12. Follow the ‘ABC’s of Sycamore Canyon Pride” at all times. 13. Students are not allowed in unattended classrooms. 14. Skateboards, bikes, scooters and roller blades are not allowed on the campus before, during or after school. (Bikes must be walked to and from the bicycle racks.) There are no storage facilities. 15. NEVER leave campus without permission. 16. Use the 3-Step Conflict Resolution technique to solve problems. STOP, WALK AND ASK for HELP! WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD LEARN
1. Start each day right; a calm beginning at home makes the school day much better. 2. Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and lunch. Make certain that your child sleeps at least eight hours each night. 3. Praise your child each day for something he/she has done. Have a special place to put school work or whatever is brought home. 4. Laugh and talk with your child about school experiences and listen attentively to what is said about your child’s school day experiences. 5. Stress attendance. If the child is ill, home is the best place; otherwise, your child needs to take advantage of every school day. 6. Keep the line of communication open between yourself and your child’s teacher. Inform the teacher of any family situation which could influence your child’s behavior. Also, if he/she is reluctant to go to school, let the teacher know so that together you can find the reason. 7. Take your child to the library and encourage reading for pleasure. 8. Stress organization of school notebooks, materials, etc. 9. Provide pencils, glue, scissors, paper, etc. for your child to use. 10. Work at home with skills taught at school. NEW HOMEWORK POLICYThe Board of Education has approved a new, research-based homework policy effective August 2002. Highlights of the new policy are:
• Purpose: Research has clearly shown that homework has different purposes at different grade levels. Homework for younger students should be designed to develop positive attitudes and work habits while homework for older students should develop or expand content knowledge. Student performance is enhanced by five types of homework: Study Skills and Habits, Practice/Review, Preparation, Skill Integration, and Extension.
• Guidelines for Quantity and Type of Homework:
Grade Cumulative Minutes/School Day Type(s) Kdg. 0 -10 Study skills/Habits
1-2 10-20 Study skills/Habits Practice/Review
3-5 30-50 Study skills/Habits Practice/Review Preparation Skill Integration
6-8 60-90 Practice/Review Preparation Skill integration Extension
9-12 90-120 Practice/Review Preparation Skill integration Extension
Activities such as independent and recreational reading, practicing musical instruments and practice for extracurricular activities are generally expected to be completed in addition to study skill and content homework.
• Use of Homework for Grading: At the Federal, State, and District level there is an expectation that student performance is to be measured and reported on the basis of clear curriculum content and student performance standards. Therefore, academic grades should be directly based on student performance in mastering approved State and District curriculum standards. Whereas homework is an instructional strategy for improving student success, it may only be used to formally evaluate student performance when it is directly related to the student’s mastery of academic curriculum standards. A. Teacher There is substantial evidence that the quality of the homework assigned and teacher response to homework enhance its value in improving student success. While it is not practical nor necessary to give in-depth feedback on every homework assignment, teachers should use strategies that will maximize the effectiveness of homework assignments.
Therefore, teachers must:
1. design the homework for one of the appropriate purposes noted above; 2. design the homework so that it can be accomplished by the child independent of direct support from others; 3. clearly communicate to the student the purpose, directions, and expectations for all homework assignments; 4. clearly establish and communicate to parents the general purpose and expectations for homework, and encourage feedback regarding quantity and difficulty of homework. 5. provide timely and appropriate feedback to students and parents using strategies that will: a. Acknowledge receipt of the homework; b. Monitor for completion and accuracy; c. Give timely feedback on key assignments; d. Give significant feedback on assignments based on extension, or skill integration.
B. Student There is strong evidence that students who complete appropriate homework assignments will demonstrate significant improvement in academic achievement. Therefore, students have a responsibility to develop the discipline and study skills necessary to complete homework on a regular basis.
Students must:
1. have a system for recording homework assignments on a daily basis; 2. have a clear understanding of the homework assignment before leaving school; 3. have the books and materials necessary to complete the assigned homework; 4. allocate an appropriate amount of time daily for the completion of homework; 5. turn in homework assignments when requested.
C. Parent Research strongly suggests that parents have an important role to play in providing an opportunity for students to complete homework. However, the research is also clear that parents should not assume responsibility for the actual completion of the student’s homework. Therefore, to the extent possible, it is recommended that parents are responsible for providing the following:
1. time for students to complete homework; 2. a place for students to complete homework; 3. the basic materials needed; 4. the expectation for homework to be completed; 5. the supervision necessary to ensure successful completion of homework. 6. information to the teacher about homework questions or concerns, and feedback regarding the quantity and difficulty of homework. “Volunteers are the Backbone of our Educational Program” PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) The SCS PTA extends a warm welcome to both new and returning families of Sycamore Canyon School. The SCS PTA is a very positive and supportive organization, which strives to keep a close relationship between parents and teachers while at the same time providing an enriched learning environment for students. Through various fundraisers during the year, the PTA is able to provide the school with materials, expertise, and equipment that enhances the educational program. All parents are invited and encouraged to become members of the SCS PTA. SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL School Site Councils have been formed at each school in the Conejo Valley Unified School District. The council is composed of parents, teachers, the principal, and other personnel. The Council has the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the educational program and to plan, implement, and evaluate the activities designed to promote student growth and achievement. This is an elected group, which meets on the first Wednesday of each month. All meetings are open to the community and participation is strongly encouraged. PARENT/COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS Volunteers build a two-way bridge between the community, creating more support for school programs and developing increased interaction. When parents become involved in local schools, two good things happen: Children do better in school; and children go to better schools. Statistics show that children of involved parents have higher achievement levels and score better on tests. Volunteers are asked to complete a TB test (District paid at designated medical office), and sign a confidentiality form at the beginning of the school year or time of service. Volunteers enrich the SCS program tremendously by their service in our classrooms, library, office and other activity areas. They make it possible for teachers to be more effective in meeting the needs of all children. For safety reasons, siblings of students are not allowed to come on field trips or be in the classroom with parent volunteers unless invited by the teacher.
SYCAMORE CANYON SCHOOL’S GUIDING PRINCIPLES “A Key to a Better Me” The Conejo Valley Unified School District has requested that the school include the following notice in all parent handbooks: Conejo Valley Unified School District NOTICE Sexual Discrimination Complaint Procedure It is the policy of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, in compliance with Title IX of the Education Code Amendments of 1972, final guidelines effective for implementation July 21, 1975, and in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972, not to discriminate on the basis of sex in the admission of students to school programs or activities. The Title IX Coordinator for issues that do not involve employees shall be Dr. Richard W. Simpson, Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services, 1400 East Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, (805) 497-9511, Ext. 235. The Title IX Coordinator for issues involving employees shall be Dr. Jody Dunlap, Assistant Superintendent, Personnel Services, 1400 East Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, (805) 497-9511, Ext. 213. A copy of the District’s Title IX complaint procedures may be obtained from each school principal’s office. For more information you may refer to CVUSD Discipline Policy & Procedures Handbook 2004-2005 and/or CVUSD Notice of Rights & Responsibilities 2004-2005 |