Middle School Student Resource Library


We’re creating a Middle School Student Resource Library in Mrs. Loganbill’s office. Books and other resources are available for check-out. Mrs. Loganbill is the Middle School Counselor and is in her office Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; stop by and see what she has to share.


Books Available for Check-Out


·         The Gifted Kids’ Survival Guide, A Teen Handbook – Galbraith and Delisle

·         You’re Smarter Than You Think, A Kid’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences – Armstrong

·         Creating Portfolios for Success in School, Work, and Life – Kimeldorf

·         When Gifted Kids Don’t Have All the Answers - Delisle


For more information on these books and other resources for gifted kids visit Free Spirit Publishing at www.freespirit.com


Other Resources Available


John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth - video, brochure, application process and course offerings

(Information also available online at www.cty.jhu.edu) 


If you have any questions or would like to recommend resources to add to this library, please contact Mrs. Loganbill at school (805) 498-1573 or via email at



Parent Resource Library


The Parent Resource Library is located in the school's front lobby. Books and videos on various education and parenting topics are available for check-out. A number of books and articles are available on gifted and talented education. Please complete the check-out card (located inside all books) and leave it in the box provided when checking out any books or materials. 


District Advisory Council (DAC), GATE-DAC and GATE Parent notebooks are also available in the Parent Resource Library. These notebooks contain agendas, minutes, and handouts from the various meetings. The notebooks must remain at school, however parents may copy articles and other material from any of these notebooks.


Books Available for Check-Out


Articles in the GATE Parent Notebook 2002/2003


·         Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children

·         Parent to Parent – sharing ideas that work

·         Gifted Kids in Trouble

·         Meeting the Affective Needs of Gifted Students

·         The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children (workshop packet from Dr. Maureen Neihart; includes featured article “Systematic Risk-Taking”)

·         Some of the Best Resources in Gifted Ed

·         Must Have Books for Educators of the Gifted and Talented

·         CAG Resource List of Books and Journals on Gifted Education

·          “gifted all day long” by Margaret Gosfield

·          “Invitations to Learn” by Carol Ann Tomlinson  

·         Parenting The Gifted, The Same But Different

·         Curriculum and Instruction – some of the questions answered in this article include:

-        Should I enrich or accelerate the curriculum for gifted learners?

-        Should there be a separate or special course for gifted students

-        What is the meaning of the term differentiation?

-        How can a differentiated curriculum be developed?

-        Should all students be provided with differentiated curricular activities similar to those provided to the gifted?

-        When and how do teachers implement a differentiated curriculum?

·         Differentiated Programming: What It Is and What It Isn’t

·         Most Likely to Yield Sophisticated Products – examples of activities and projects