Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
2 " Testing Week |
3 " Testing Week " Banking Day! |
4 " Testing Week " 3:00 PM SSC Mtg. " 2:45 pm - 5th Gr. Parent Luau Mtg. " 6:30 pm PTA Board/Task Force Mtg. |
5 " Testing Week " Cinco de Mayo " 7:00 PM 1st Gr. Performance " 9:15 AM - 2n d Gr. Field Trip " Strawberry Sales Afterschool |
6 " Testing Week " 7:00 PM MS Talent Show " Minimum Day for MS Only Today |
8 " Mother's Day |
9 " Testing Week |
10 " Testing Week " Banking Day! |
11 " Testing Week " 7:00 pm - PTA Installation Mtg.- in Library " 7:00 PM 3rd Grade Performance " Day of the Teacher! |
12 " Testing Week " 7:00 PM 3rd Grade Performance " 9:00 am- 8th Gr. Promo Pictures in MS Rm. #52 |
13 " Testing Week " Awards Assemblies |
14 " Teen Center Dance |
15 " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) |
16 " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) |
17 " Banking Day! " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) |
18 " 7:00 PM Public Speaking Hosts for Dist. " 8:30 AM PTA "Volunteer Fair" " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) |
19 " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) " 6:00 pm - Greek Plays Performance |
20 " ASB Social/Dance " 10:00 AM Volunteer Tea in Library " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) |
21 " Classified Employees Week (May15-21) |
24 " 7:00 PM Strings Performance " Banking Day! |
25 " Last Day of Ceramics |
26 " 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Open House (K-8) " 8th Gr. Strawberry Sales After School |
27 " 1st Gr. Field Trip (9:10 pm - 2:00 pm) |
30 " No School |
31 " Last Day of Chess " Last Day of Drama " Banking Day! |