I understand the importance of a quality education for every student and my role as an educator and positive role model.
1. Create a safe, healthy, and positive learning environment.
2. Provide a challenging, instructional program which addresses the individual needs of all students.
3. Communicate with parents on a regular basis.
4. Assign appropriate homework with clear instructions.
5. Encourage students to read daily at school and at home.
I understand that my participation in my child’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude.
1. Provide a quiet place for my child to study.
2. Encourage my child to complete his/her homework.
3. Make sure my child gets an adequate night’s sleep and has a healthy diet.
4. See to it that my child arrives to school on time every day.
5. Attend Back-to-School Night, Parent Conferences, Open House and other school events.
6. Listen to or read with my child for at least 20 minutes every day.
7. Read all school notices and contact the school when I have questions or concerns.
A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome to Sycamore Canyon School. It takes three ingredients to make a successful school. Sycamore Canyon has a skilled, talented, and dedicated teaching staff as the first ingredient. The staff is committed to providing ALL students with a positive and productive learning environment. The parents are next – they contribute to the formal education of the student by supporting the teachers and the total school program. The third and best ingredient is the child. His or her conduct at school helps to create an environment where learning can take place. The ABC’s of Sycamore Canyon Pride is designed to communicate school standards and expectations.
ACADEMICS Every student is entitled to an instructional program that is challenging, pertinent and motivating. To ensure all students have the opportunity to receive a quality education, each student will be expected to: 1. Come to school regularly, on time and ready to learn. 2. Listen and follow directions of all staff. 3. Complete and return homework and parent communications.
BEHAVIOR Every student has the right to attend a school where the attitude towards learning is positive and the environment is safe. Each student will be expected to: 1. Show respect for feelings and property of others. 2. Keep their hands and feet to themselves when resolving conflicts. 3. Leave candy, gum and toys at home.
CLOTHING Every student has the right to attend a school which is free from any behavior which infringes on the rights of others or distracts from the educational process. Sycamore Canyon has a high standard of dress. Everyone is expected to dress for success. Every student is expected to: 1. Dress in a manner that demonstrates Sycamore Canyon Pride and self-respect. 2. Refrain from wearing clothing that: *Has inappropriate slogans, ads and/or rude or provocative statements *Exposes midriff or chest *Does not fit appropriately (too tight, too baggy or too long) 3. Wear closed toes shoes (tennis shoes and socks recommended). Heelys are not permitted. 4. Hair must not be dyed/bleached or too provocative.
We are pleased to have you share with us in the excitement of teaching and the joy of learning. You are invited and strongly encouraged to become involved and active in the educational program of your child and community. Parent and community member support, expertise and commitment are the backbone of our strong academic educational program at Sycamore Canyon School. I look forward to working with all of you.
THREE-WAY PLEDGE THE STUDENT PLEDGE: I understand that education is important to me. I am the one responsible for my own success. *AS A STUDENT, I WILL… 1. Show respect for myself and the rights of others. 2. Return corrected work to my parent(s). 3. Arrive at school on time every day unless I am ill. 4. Be responsible for my own behavior. 5. Be a cooperative learner. |